In the last years there were great scientific advances on the knowledge of chronic inflammatory skin diseases, which are dermatological diseases which last long and come from specific errors of the skin immunitary system.
Some of the most common examples are psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, chronic hives or prurigo nodularis.
Although there is no cure for these diseases it is possible to provide a customised treatment which allows a normal life, leaving behind the limitations of a skin inflammatory disease. There are several autoimmune diseases with dermatological manifestations. A correct approach and
diagnosis is fundamental to find the best therapeutic approach.
Let’s get to know each disease better:
This is the most investigated dermatological disease in the world. Nowadays there are several treatment options to control it, namely atopic medicine (to apply on the skin), systemic (oral or injectable/biological) or phototherapy (treatment with ultraviolet rays).
Know more on:
Psoriasis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Atopic Dermatitis and autoimmune and autofacilitated diseases.
Watch the episodes that make some of the problems of living with psoriasis easier, in a funny way.
Psoriasis can appear on the skin but also on joints and other parts of the bone system. In this podcast, Dr. Pedro Mendes Bastos and Dr. Patricia Nero, dermatologist and rheumatologist in the CDL, talk freely about the psoriatic disease, about its dermatological and rheumatological spectrum.
Get to know the page of the portuguese association for patients with psoriasis where you can find information addressed to all those who live with psoriasis on a daily basis.
These are situations that may occur with this treatment. It is important to have a moisturising cream that can be used on the face to compensate the dryness and application can happen more regularly. For the lips, lip balm or vaseline should be used (when going to bed or along the day, when necessary). Dryness of the nose mucous or light bleeding can be controlled also with the use of vaseline when going to bed.
These are situations that may occur with this treatment. If these consequences keep on, there are solutions. In the next appointment, talk to your doctor about treatment to revert and improve hair/nails without compromising the psoriasis treatment.
These are situations that may occur with this treatment. The taking of methotrexate is weekly (only one day a week). If you feel stomach discomfort, the taking can be split (half in the morning, after eating, after breakfast or lunch and the other half at night, after dinner), If the ploblem persists you should talk to your doctor on the following appointment.